It is important to differentiate between weight loss and fat loss. You should want to lose fat, not muscle and do it safely.
There are countless diets in the marketplace. The irony is that up to 97% of people that lose weight on these diets, put it back on and the while they lost fat and muscle on the diet, they just put back fat. The double irony is that muscle burns up 90 times more calories than fat, so their weight gain increases. Fat loss is not a simple matters of calories in and calories out. It is far more complex.
Obesity rates are at an all time high, up to 70% in some countries. You can either be a part of that statistic or not.
Humans ate pretty much the same diet for 5 million years and obesity was not an issue. It is only in the last one hundred years obesity has features significantly and more so in the last 20 years.
This program starts with a computerised readout of your body makeup, giving a clear breakdown of its composition as a foundation. It then looks at body function. For example, figures of between 30 and 80% have been quoted for the percentage of the population that is suffering from hypothyroidism (under active thyroid). An under-active thyroid needs to be balanced for effective weight loss.
We use the Metagenic’s “Shake it” program, because we believe in retaining muscle, not suffering from hunger and cravings and achieving real results. Food choices are matched to your individual needs, with a realistic plan. Exercise is a necessary part of the program, but it does not have to be arduous. This is not a diet in the usual sense. It is about healthy eating and scientifically formulated meal supplements. Your result are monitored via regular muscle/fat composition tests
Case Study
The youngest fat loss client I have had was 12 years old, named Sky. Her mother brought her in, as she was being made fun off by her peers and she was developing a variety of health issues, including asthma and the dreaded pimples. Sky was 153 cms and 75 kilos. Her life was sedentary, with the bulk of it in front of a screen. She played no sports and had low self-esteem.
We started by setting some achievable goals in the form of pictures that she wanted to be like. These were put together on a scrap board. We felt that she would do better with a buddy and her overweight mother was persuaded to join the program with her.
Upon completion of the tests, it was found that both she and her mother were pre-diabetic. An analysis of their food sheets yielded useful information about what they had been putting into their bodies. An incremental treatment plan was put together and commenced. It involved careful planning and shopping to ensure nutritious, tasty and filling food were available. Foods had to be quick and easy to prepare. A few foods were removed from the house entirely, to avoid temptation. They both enjoyed the supplements, particularly the tasty food bars. Neither of them felt hungry on the diet. An exercise plan was designed around their schedules, with the focus on fun and variety. In their situation, they would have soon abandoned a drastic fat loss program. The goal was a fat loss of 1-2 kg per week. Every fortnight a full body composition test was conducted to monitor progress. This proved to be a powerful motivator and was linked to rewards the two has planned for themselves.
After three months, they had lost a combined total of 32 kilos. Their blood sugar had normalised and the bulk of the health issues had disappeared, including the pimples. The program had brought mother and daughter closer together and Sky was more confident and outgoing.
Note: The fat loss program normally runs for a six-week period, but can be extended.