
bewell offers general consultations as well as specific programmes for disease and ailments.

General Consultations

Costs Repeats
30 min 120
60 min 240
90 min 360
120 min 480
Questionnaire Free
RBTI (with report) 160 85
Vitality, Longevity and Healthy Ageing Biopedance Analysis (with report) 60 60
Hemaview Live Blood Analysis (with report) 75 75
Hemaview Dry Blood Analysis (with report) 95 95
Physical Signs Examination Free as part of consultation
Touch For Health/Kinesology Free as part of consultation
Zinc Test, Nitric Oxide Level Test, Vitamin C Test, Iridology 50
Treatment Plan Scaled price
Bioenergetics NES Scan 150 100
ETA Scan 300
Oligoscan - Heavy Metal Test 180
Iridology Photo Analysis and Report 350
Genetic Test 700
Urine Hormone Analysis 800
Moulds/BioToxin Test 800
Food Allergy Testing 500
Low Level Laser Therapy Scaled price
Breast Thermography Photo and Report 260
Ozone Therapy 40

Note:  The majority of tests must be conducted as part of a consultation and some incur an additional consultation cost. Where there is no follow up consultation and test results need to be analysed, the results are communicated to the client, via a full report. Some of the tests cannot be conducted on a one-consultation basis as they require detailed explanation.

The Wellness Program

Indicative cost: $2,000 to $5,000
View programme details

Many clients want their issues fixed at the least cost. We encourage clients to focus not only on the present and on symptoms, but at underlying causes which will create further issues in the future, if not resolved now.

For those whose goal is ultimate wellness, there is a lot more that can be done to check a full range of biochemical markers from a variety of perspectives. The Wellness Program gives a comprehensive insight into your current state of wellness, how your body is operating and any weaknesses that could give rise to future dis-ease. It gives you the recipe to maximise your wellness potential. It includes:

  • Three face-to-face consultations (approx. 6 hours in total).
  • A full testing regime including a combination of scientific tests and energy medicine appropriate to your situation. Information on relevant tests can be found in the “Treatments” section. The relevant tests for your program will be selected based on your needs. You may request any specific tests that you wish.
  • A full report of findings.
  • My expertise backed up access to key international institutions for research, clarification and advice.
  • A comprehensive treatment/wellness plan tailored to your situation.
  • A consultation with a nutritionalist, who will provide  a diet plan with recipes.
  • An lifestyle programme suited to individual circumstances.

Note:  Any supplements recommended will be at the client’s cost.

Other Programmes

All other programmes are individually costed based on the treatment plan devised for you. This will be advised during your consultation and following initial test results. Programs can be designed to suit budgets.