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Warrant of BeWELLNESS (WoB)

You can skip Meg’s story and go straight to the details of the WoB, at the end.

Meg was a 43-year-old, mother of two.  She had a part-time job and did her best to support her widowed mother, who was in poor health.

She reflected on how she was dragging herself through the day, lacking energy and joy for life.  It was like something had been stolen from her.  Her hair was thinning, her nails were not as strong, her libido had gone on holiday, and she just was not the person she had been a few short years before.

At the insistence of her husband, she had gone to her GP, who conducted some standard blood tests.  She was told they were all normal.  She was offered anti-depressants to help with her mood.  She declined, thinking there must be another way.

Meg’s best friend was Joyce.  One day, over coffee, Meg confided in Joyce how she was feeling.  Joyce suggested that Meg should have a different sort of health check:  A warrant of BeWELLNESS.  Joyce shared with Meg her own journey and how she had turned things around.

That evening Meg visited the website.  She read up about the WoB and decided she would go for it.  She filled out the online questionnaire and booked a testing session online.

Meg was a bit nervous on the day of the testing but arrived at the clinic having followed the instruction to eat something two hours before the consultation.  At the clinic, she was made to feel at ease and went through the testing process.  She gave a sample of urine and saliva and there was a tiny prick on her finger for a blood sample. She was fascinated at seeing her own blood on the screen and how different it was from the pictures of healthy blood.  She left the clinic excited at the prospect of fixing imbalances in her body and winning back her past vigor.

A few days later, as promised, copies of test reports and her treatment plan arrived.  It showed that she was deficient in some key nutrients; was not digesting her proteins fully; was very acidic; was chronically dehydrated; and had very high toxic levels.  Her treatment plan outlined some key supplements to address the issues, along with some lifestyle recommendations.  She rang the clinic and ordered the supplements and started them immediately.

At about the two-week mark, Meg noticed a dramatic improvement in her energy levels.  Her sleep had improved, as had her mood.

The WoB did recommend an additional test to check hormone levels and their detoxification through urine.  Meg decided that this would make a nice Christmas present for herself.

Meg continued to improve and regained much of her former drive and energy.  Her husband remarked on her mood improvement and once again she was enjoying the time she spent with those she loved.

Warrant of BeWELLNESS:

Cost:  $695 Any supplements required will incur an additional cost)

Tests Included: (You can read more about these tests on this website)

  • A Live Blood Analysis
  • Ream’s Biological Theory of Ionisation Test
  • Oligoscan test

Parameters Checked: 

  • Inflammation
  • Oxidative stress
  • Iron/Folate/B12 deficiency
  • Liver health
  • Protein Utilisation
  • Immune health
  • Blood sugar levels
  • Acidity/alkalinity
  • Digestion
  • Hydration
  • Toxicity levels
  • Mineral status
  • Vitamin status

What You Get: 

  • Full test reports for all three tests
  • A treatment plan addressing test findings
  • Access to practitioner-only supplements

You can book an appointment using our online booking system.



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